- A glimpse of Baikal
- Cocktail of adventures
- Dogsledding and hovercraft experience on Lake Baikal
- Healing springs of Shumak Valley
- Ice trek accross Baikal
- In the heart of Khamar-Daban
- New Year on Lake Baikal
- Olkhon island
- Snowmobile safari
- Snowshoe adventure in Siberian wilderness
- Southern Baikal and Olkhon island
- The Eco trails of Baikal
- The mighty Irkut
- The mysteries of Baikal
- The Sable Lakes
- The steppe roads of Baikal
- The Tazheran steppe and Olkhon island
- Voyage to the Island of Sun
- Winter Cocktail of Adventures
- Winter Fairy-Tale on Baikal
- Winter on Baikal
- Wonders of Southern Baikal